I opened the first HuHot with my parents in Missoula, Montana in 1999. Prior to HuHot I was a CPA working at Price Waterhouse Coopers. My parents had long been franchisees with Godfather’s Pizza (and still are). We were all happy enough, but we wanted something new, something fun…
We had a hunch that we weren’t the only ones looking for something new and fun to call their own. We figured people want a place to go with their families and have a fun, delicious, and exciting experience that didn’t sacrifice value or health. We were right; our fan following and growth is proof of that.
More than a great restaurant, HuHot is a great business with great people, great customers…oh and great food.
We know what it’s like to be franchisees, we were franchisees first and we put that experience to use every single day as franchisors. As with any franchise, we provide a great deal of support but we don’t stop there. We assist you by providing ongoing marketing materials, negotiating with vendors for better pricing, and encouraging supportive dialogue among our franchisees.
The way we see it, we are in this together. Because we strive to create a unique relationship with our franchisees, we focus on partnering with people who make a good fit.
We take pride in being honest and transparent with franchisees – maybe a little too frank at times! But it’s paid off.
– Andy Vap, CEO and Founder